i will draw

1. humans any age, any body type 2. couples 3. any mobility aids for disabled characters 4. fanart 5. ocs 7. slight gore 8. more tba... just ask if you're unsure though

i will not draw

1. nsfw 2. mecha 3. furries (sorry) 4. complicated armor sets 5. any innapropriate media 6. anything proship 7. heavy gore 8. anything that includes hateful imagery!!


1. character reference sheet
i will draw a full page of YOUR character! choose up to 5 of the items shown below (ex: 1 halfbody, 4 headshots)

headshot$5 usd
bust up$10 usd
halfbody$15 usd
fullbody$20 usd
chibi$5 usd

additional info
i can charge more for more complex/ detailed rendering (+5$ or more)
complex backgrounds can cost more (+5$ to $10 )
max amount of characters in 1 drawing is 3. any more than that is an extra 2$

2. icons
i will draw an icon of your character or other character of your choice, fully rendered and simple background

bust up$10 usd
halfbody$15 usd

terms and conditions

1. you must pay after the initial sketch, before i start to color, line, etc. no refunds after approved sketch.
2. you can ask to see the progress, but don't overload me with update requests!!
3. we can discuss deadlines, but typically i finish commissions on my own time.
4. my lineart is typically sketchy, but you can request cleaner, crisper lineart.
5. i have the right to deny any commission even if it doesn't break my rules.
6. DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK, or claim that my art is yours.

buy from me here!

to buy from me, DM me on discord or on twitter.
you can also support me on kofi by sending a tip <3